Biochar is mitigating climate change

Climate change is currently the biggest global challenge for humanity. Containment of the greenhouse gas-induced temperature increase to below 2° will only be possible by capturing and storing large quantities of carbon from the atmosphere. Pyrolytically produced biochar offers an immense potential to remove carbon from the atmosphere in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way, to bind it in the long term and thus – together with the necessary rigorous reduction of fossil CO2 emissions – to make a significant contribution to the fight climate change.

The importance of negative emissions

In order to mitigate climate change, negative emissions at massive scale have to be established.


Six options for negative emissions

Six options for the creation of carbon sinks currently considered promising


Synergies between different NETs

It is all about synergies, not about competition. In order to prevent the worst adverse effects of climate change,
all possible solutions are well needed.


Three nature-based, "no-regret" options for carbon sinks

These options are (i)readily available, (ii)cost-effective today and (iii)provide for co-benefits

Carbon Forestry

Increasing the amount of carbon stored in forests and preference for material use of biomass


Pyrogenic Carbon Capture and Storage (PyCCS), particularly the use of biochar for animal husbandry, soil improvement and in construction

Soil Carbon

Increasing the amount of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) by adapted land management practice

Whitepaper: Biochar-based carbon sinks to mitigate climate change

The EBI has elaborated an extensively researched paper which demonstrates, on a scientific basis, that biochar and biomass pyrolysis is a key technology in the fight against climate change. It is now available in English!

Whitepaper: Mit Pflanzenkohle basierten Kohlenstoffsenken dem Klimawandel entgegenwirken

The EBI has elaborated an extensively researched paper which demonstrates, on a scientific basis, that biochar and biomass pyrolysis is a key technology in the fight against climate change. Find the German version here.

“Biochar can make a meaningful contribution to save the planet.”
Hansjörg Lerchenmüller
Chairman Carbuna AG

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