Communication is a key element of EBI’s mission. Internally, we are providing a platform for mutual exchange for our members. Externally, we see it as our task to provide state-of-the-art information on biochar, its production, refinement and use.
Within the EBI consortium, we have some of the most important pioneers and entreprenneurs in the biochar industry. Our network consists of leading technology providers, biochar producers and traders, scientists, soil experts and practitioners. From agriculture to biochar carbon trading to high-tech bio-polymers as construction material – our members are at the forefront of biochar developments. In order to foster the exchange within our network and provide relevant information to the public, EBI is developping different formats of exchange.
Our past WEBInars:
Biochar as a Bitumen Extender and “Green Bitumen”
Date: March 23, 2021, 09:30 – 10:30 am CET.
Biochar in the construction sector can serve as a means to sequester carbon, to substitute fossil resources and to modify the qualities of products. Learn more about biochar in bitumen during our next webinar.
Carbonaceous materials have been studied since the 1960s to modify the properties of asphalt. The addition of carbon black has proven to lead to positive effects. Biochar could lead to similar benefits, while at the same time reducing the adverse effects on climate and environment.
Biochar acts as an antioxidant, retarding the aging process, and it stiffens the matrix of bitumen. Therewith, it can increase failure temperature, complex modulus and elastic modulus values and improve rutting resistance, leading to enhanced performance and durability.
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Dr. Alexandru Let is a chemical engineer with large expertise in nanotechnology application in material construction, including the development of processes that use recycle materials in the construction industry.
After a long history in research and product development, he joined State Asphalt (now part of Kypreos Group) where he is working on the use of biochar, toner, plastics and activated crumb rubber as additives in the asphalt industry.