Save the date
The Biochar Summit 2023
June 12-15, 2023
Helsingborg, Sweden
We are excited to finally send out the Save the Date for THE Biochar event next year, organized as a cooperation between the European Biochar Industry Consortium, the Nordic Biochar Network, and Helsingborg City:
The Biochar Summit 2023
Join us for an event you can’t miss if you’re involved in biochar and pyrolysis: four days of networking and intensive discussions about the future of biochar and biogenic carbons.
International speakers, interactive discussion formats and session topics ranging from agriculture and carbon removals over policy to high-tech applications will provide the perfect framework to learn about, define and shape the future of PyCCS/biochar as an available and scalable solution to mitigate climate change – together.
The program will entail one main track and two parallel side-tracks with breakout-sessions for in-depth exchange, framed by a preceding workshop at Helsingborg’s new biochar competence center and a study tour to five innovative pyrolysis production sites.
The Biochar Summit will take place against the backdrop of Helsingborg – a city that ranked among Sweden’s top environmental cities five years in a row and has been one of the top 3 finalists of the European Green Cities.
Organized as a cooperation in 2023, the EBI aims to establish an annual biochar summit with changing hosts and venues.
More detailed information coming soon!
Biochar Summit 2023 at a glance:
Congress Hotel SeaU in Helsingborg, Sweden
June 12
Workshop at Helsingborg’s new biochar competence center
June 13-14
Main Conference (one main track + two parallel break-out sessions for in-depth discussions)
June 15
Bus study tour to five innovative pyrolysis production sites
Call for abstracts:
Call for abstracts will open in early 2023